Testing emails generated by saas platform against spam filters:
sudo fsck.ext4 -fv /dev/sda1
Force and verbose disk check.
Show hostname in zsh.
Add to ~/.zshrc
export RPROMPT="%m"
For KLL-ERP servers: OneDoc
#linux #zsh #oh-my-zsh
sudo nmap -p- IP
sudo nmap -A -T4 IP
fail2ban-client status
fail2ban-client status sshd
Great Flask resources:
Considering the pros and cons of running the Docker on the production env
Find each occurrence of 'foo' (in all lines), and replace it with 'bar'.
In the OVH there are available new distros: Alma and Rocky. So far I think it's better to wait before deciding to move to Debian, and change the ecosystem for legacy projects.