Journal of my recent activities

Moved the qiskit-tutorial Storing and operating on bitstrings on the quantum computer to the Qiskit Terra 0.7.0.

Barrier explanation according to Qiskit Backend Specifications

Developing Sphinx extension for generating suited version of product documentation for different clients.

Configuring subdomain for different IP in OVH admin panel by adding DNS A record, and NextCloud testing.

Securing my home RPi sshd /etc/ssh/sshd_config. and mounting connected usb drives via NFS.

# edit /etc/exports
root@rpi# systemctl restart nfs-server.service
[lukasz@rademenes]$ sudo mount -t nfs <rpi-ip>:/mnt/usb1 rpi_usb1


Mocking console for cli unittesting

user_input = ['6 1']
expected_output = '84 + 7 =

' \r ' OK! '

with patch('builtins.input', side_effect=user_input):
    with patch('sys.stdout', new=io.StringIO()) as output:
        dodawanie(84, 7)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output.getvalue())

How to test input processing in Python 3

#python #testing

QuantumCircut is the quantum program. You build it with registers, quantum gates. Then compile and run on the quantum chip, without interaction. In the end you get results thanks to measure gates.


Small fix Issue 915 for Qiskit Terra.


Small help for Qiskit Terra on Github and StackOverflow.
